12 Paid Science Internships for High School Students
If you’re a high school student interested in exploring science beyond the school curriculum, you should consider participating in a science internship! An internship offers valuable practical experience in your chosen field while also helping you build a solid knowledge base.
Internships not only provide exposure to a professional setting in a field you’re interested in but also offer an opportunity to hone your skills and enhance your college applications! Apart from experience in the field of science, internships often offer a stipend. Paid internships will also help you cover transport and accommodation costs, apart from compensating you for your work.
These opportunities often include structured mentorship and training, enhancing the learning experience, and professional development. In this blog, we’ve curated a list of 12 of the best paid science internships for high school students that you can consider!
1. High School Summer Internship Program (HS-SIP) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Note: Part of the HS-SIP are two programs, the High School Scientific Training and Enrichment Program (HiSTEP) and HiSTEP 2.0.
Stipend: $2,300 to $2,530 per month
Location: Various NIH campuses across the country
Application Deadline: The application period for this upcoming summer has passed; the deadline for the next application cycle should be in February
Program Dates: July to August (4 weeks)
- Must be a junior or senior in high school.
- Must be 17 years of age or older on June 15
- Should live within 40 miles of the respective NIH campus.
NIH offers summer internship programs in science for high school students. HS-SIP is an opportunity for students to participate in hands-on biomedical research alongside leading scientists and mentors. As an intern, you will work on ongoing research projects, analyze data, and acquire essential laboratory skills.
HiSTEP, a program that promotes diversity in STEM, collaborates with renowned research institutions to help you engage in cutting-edge scientific investigations across a number of disciplines. HiSTEP combines an introduction to scientific, professional, and personal skills with leadership training, wellness programming, and an exploration of STEM-M (science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine-related) careers. It will also help you prepare for future scholarships and internships.
HiSTEP 2.0, an advanced continuation program, offers an in-depth exploration of scientific research. Designed for students who have completed HiSTEP or similar research experiences, HiSTEP 2.0 allows you to design and conduct independent research projects under the guidance of mentor scientists in the field of biomedicine. You will also participate in weekly workshops and seminars to develop your scientific, professional, and personal skills.
2. The Department of Navy (DoN) — Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP)
Stipend: New participants receive $4,000, while recurring participants receive $4,500. There are no provisions for housing, transportation, or food.
Location: Various locations nationwide.
Application Deadline: Applications open in August and close on November 1st every year.
Program Dates: June - August (8 weeks with an option for a 2-week extension)
- Must be a sophomore, junior, or senior (including graduating).
- Must be a U.S. citizen.
- Must be at least 16 years of age.
Guided by Navy scientists and engineers, this opportunity allows selected interns to learn about naval research and technology. SEAP selects approximately 300 students every year, assigning them to one of its 38 laboratories across the country. Through this program, you will be able to engage in ongoing naval research projects as you collaborate with experienced naval scientists and researchers on their work.
Students can select a few laboratories to apply to based on their interests! Each Navy lab conducts research in certain STEM fields. And, based on the laboratory you’re assigned to, you will have the opportunity to specialize your research in various subject areas such as algebra, earth science, computer science, chemistry, civil engineering, biology, marine biology, oceanography, statistics, physiology, and more.
3. Careers in Science (CiS) Intern Program at California Academy of Sciences
Stipend: Information about a stipend is provided, but no exact amount is listed. However, it is mentioned that it is above minimum wage.
Location: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California
Application Deadline: The application period closed on April 1. Check back for announcements about the new cycle.
Program Dates: Multiple program dates throughout the year, beginning in June. There are multi-year and year-round participation expectations.
- Must be a 9th - 12th grader attending a San Francisco high school.
- Must have its own method of transportation.
- Maintain a GPA of 2.5 and a grade of C or higher in science and math.
- Commit to all attendance requirements for 2 or 3 years through high school graduation.
CiS is a multi-year, year-round, paid internship and youth development program for students from underrepresented communities in STEM, including girls and students of color. The program offers an afterschool and weekend internship opportunity for roughly 50 students. As an intern, you will work alongside scientists, researchers, and educators at the California Academy of Sciences. You will learn the ropes of scientific research and science communication. This internship includes interactive training sessions twice a week and guidance on your college applications. In groups, you will work on a science research or environmental action project.
You will engage in outdoor fieldwork and assist visitors of the Academy. You will also actively participate in project groups, benefit from one-on-one mentorships, embark on college tours, deliver presentations at STEM festivals and conferences and contribute to designing exhibits and educational materials.
4. NASA Office of STEM Engagements (OSTEM) Internships
Stipend: Interns may receive a stipend based on academic level and session length.
Location: These internships are offered across NASA facilities. Students may select roles based in the cities they are in.
Application deadline: January (Fall session) | August (Spring session) | October (Summer session)
Program dates: These internships are offered in 3 sessions – Fall (16-week program, from late August or early September to mid-December) | Spring (16-week program, from mid-January to early May) | Summer (10-week program, from late May or early June to August).
Eligibility: Internships are available for full-time high school students who meet a minimum 3.0 GPA requirement.
NASA Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) offers paid internships at locations across the country. These internships can be a great opportunity for high school students to contribute to ongoing projects under the guidance of a NASA mentor. The program provides training, mentoring, career development opportunities, and the chance to work with the world's best science, engineering, financial, information technology, and business minds. The internships are offered in various subjects and disciplines, including space science, engineering, aeronautics, technology, space microbiology, ecology, and even outreach and communications.
During this internship, you may design experiments, analyze data from space missions, or develop new technologies – engaging in real-world experiences and gaining valuable experience and insight into NASA's work. The program nurtures a passion for scientific discovery. You can check out a complete list of positions here - you may have to use the “Filter” option to see opportunities only open to high school students. If you’re a budding engineer or astrophysicist, interning with NASA is one of the most valuable experiences you can consider!
5. Microsoft’s High School Discovery Program
Stipend: $20 per hour
Location: Redmond, WA
Application deadline: Applications typically close in March (tentatively, based on previous years)
Program dates: 4 weeks, July - August (tentatively, based on previous years)
Eligibility: Rising first-year students of a bachelor’s degree program (graduating high school seniors) who live within 50 miles of Redmond, Washington. Students must be at least 16 years old and have a legal right to work in the U.S. for the duration of the program.
Microsoft’s High School Discovery Program is for high school students who are looking for hands-on learning experiences and wish to explore technology opportunities at Microsoft. ‘Discoverers’ will be introduced to and explore core computer science concepts and programming fundamentals while also developing career readiness skills. Microsoft employees will be mentoring the Discoverers for the duration of the program. You will discover how your passions can evolve into a career in tech at Microsoft and beyond.
6. KP Launch High School Internship Program at Kaiser Perm
Stipend: $15.50-18 per hour
Location: You can intern at a Kaiser Permanente Medical Center or business office closest to where you are. Find a location near you.
Application deadline: Applications typically close December-end.
Program dates: June – August
Eligibility: Students who are 16-19 by June 1, and are current high school students and/or graduating seniors can apply. Priority is given to juniors and senior-level students. Applicants must have the right to work in the US.
For those interested in the healthcare industry, this internship offers practical experience and insight into it. During this internship, you will have the chance to work alongside healthcare professionals and learn about various medical disciplines, such as nursing, pharmacy, laboratory sciences, and more. You will participate in hands-on activities, shadowing experiences, and educational workshops that enhance your understanding of healthcare practices. The program emphasizes mentorship, teamwork, and personal development and can encourage you to explore your career interest in the medical field.
7. QuarkNet Summer Research Program by Fermilab
Location: Varies on lab choice.
Eligibility: This program is open to high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents with Illinois high school enrollment. Proof of medical insurance is required.
Application deadline: Applications typically close in January.
Program dates: June – August
Stipend: $16.20 per hour
Quarknet offers a 7-week summer internship program where students interested in engineering physics can contribute to Fermilab research. Fermilab (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) operates under the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science and is America’s premier lab for particle physics research. This internship’s association with the government makes it a prestigious choice for students keen on these STEM fields.
The area of interest is particle physics and accelerator research, and as an intern, you will work on projects involving particle physics, particle accelerators and detectors, computers, and quantum science to analyze data that is used for understanding the fundamental nature of the universe. Additional responsibilities will include data collection through entrance and exit surveys, writing the team’s research abstract, and giving oral presentations!
8. Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research (SIMR)
Stipend: $500-2,500. There is a $40 application fee, but it can be waived if your family income is < $80,000.
Location: Stanford University, Stanford, California
Application Deadline: February
Program Dates: June 10 - August 1 (tentative for future cycles)
- Applicants must be juniors or seniors in high school
- Be at least 16 years old
- Must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents
- Favorability toward local Bay Area students
The SIMR program, with a competitive acceptance rate of 3%, admits approximately 50 students annually. This 8-week initiative allows students to experience hands-on research under Stanford faculty. Once selected, you will have a number of diverse research specialties to choose from, including immunology, bioengineering, neurobiology, cancer biology, stem cell and regenerative medicine, genetics and genomics, bioinformatics, and cardiovascular biology.
You will collaborate closely with a wide spectrum of academic peers and professionals, from postdoctoral fellows to undergraduate and graduate students, to established researchers. This is a great opportunity to network with people who have more experience in your field and even use these connections in the future for either LORs or other opportunities!
9. Eugene and Ruth Roberts Summer Student Academy at the City Of Hope Cancer Center
Stipend: $4,000
Location: City of Hope Medical Center, Duarte, California
Application deadline: Applications typically close in mid-March.
Program dates: The dates for the program are yet to be announced.
Eligibility: Students must be 16 years old before their first day on campus and have completed chemistry and biology classes in high school before applying.
This prestigious 10-week program selects 100 students each year from a pool of over 2,000 applicants. If selected after a rigorous process, you are required to spend 10 weeks as a biomedical intern. Alongside attending seminars and laboratory sessions with the staff, students can create their own research biomedical projects under the recognized mentoring of the City of Hope facilitators. The curriculum ends with completing a research paper, which is then presented at the end of the program.
10. KP Launch High School Internship Program at Kaiser Permanente
Stipend: $15.50 - 18 per hour
Location: You can intern at a Kaiser Permanente Medical Center or business office closest to where you are. Find a location near you.
Eligibility: Students who are aged 16-19 by June 1, and are current high school students and/or graduating seniors, can apply. Priority is given to juniors and senior-level students. Those applying must have the right to work in the US.
Application deadline: Applications typically close December-end.
Program dates: June 17 – August 2
For those interested in the healthcare industry, this internship offers practical experience and insight into it. During this internship, you will have the chance to work alongside healthcare professionals and learn about various medical disciplines, such as nursing, pharmacy, laboratory sciences, and more. You will participate in hands-on activities, shadowing experiences, and educational workshops that enhance your understanding of healthcare practices. The program emphasizes mentorship, teamwork, and personal development and can encourage you to explore your career interest in the medical field.
11. The Johns Hopkins Internship in Brain Science Program (JHIBS): Project Pipeline Baltimore
Stipend: In-person participants receive an hourly stipend (amount varies), while virtual interns receive a stipend of $500.
Location: There are virtual and in-person options. The in-person program will be held at the Johns Hopkins Department of Neurology on the East Baltimore campus.
Application Deadline: March 1, every year.
Program Dates: 8 weeks, June - August (in-person); 5 weeks, July - August (virtual)
- Juniors and seniors from around the country are eligible to apply to the 5-week virtual program.
- Juniors and seniors residing in Baltimore City and the metro area, who have a strong passion and interest in science and medicine, are from underrepresented groups and have an academically strong background are eligible for the in-person program.
A program aimed at making the field of neurological sciences more inclusive and representative, the Johns Hopkins Internship in Brain Science Program is an 8-week, fully-funded summer research program for high school students from underrepresented communities. During the program, you will be expected to participate in research under the guidance and mentorship of leading researchers in the field and will take part in hands-on projects, discussions, scientific seminars, weekly personal and professional development sessions, and interactions with leading neuroscientists at JHU.
The program is also offered virtually for students who cannot attend the program on campus. The program is open to 5-6 students, provides them with an hourly stipend, and covers transportation costs. At the end of the program, you will present your research via an oral or poster presentation. To get an idea of past projects, visit this page.
Stipend: A $1,000 stipend paid at the end of the program. NYC participants can move on to a paid summer internship after training, with select roles also available to Los Angeles and Miami participants.
Location: The program is conducted in a hybrid format in New York, Miami, and Los Angeles.
Application deadline: August 20
Program dates: 9 months starting in September.
Eligibility: High school juniors and seniors enrolled in a New York City, Los Angeles, or Miami high school are eligible.
The Tech Flex Leaders program is an ideal choice if you’re fairly certain about pursuing a career in technology. This program goes beyond the basics, diving into the intricacies of emerging technologies. They offer tracks in UX Design, Data Science, Web Development, and more. You get to take part in immersive workshops, learn the latest programming languages, and participate in hackathons that challenge your problem-solving skills. Tech Flex Leaders' dynamic approach, designed to cultivate the next generation of tech leaders, ensures you learn theoretical concepts while also honing practical skills that are directly applicable to the ever-evolving tech landscape.
Looking for a hands-on internship experience?
Check out Ladder Internships!
Ladder Internships is a selective, virtual internship program where students work with startups and nonprofits from around the world! The startups range across a variety of industries, with a large number of them in tech. As part of their internship, each student will work on a real-world project that is of genuine need to the startup they are working with and present their work at the end of their internship. In addition to working closely with their manager from the startup, each intern will also work with a Ladder Coach throughout their internship. Apply now!